A prospective study to determine the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity at a tertiary care centre in Western Rajasthan and delineate its risk factors
Blindness, Incidence, Pre-terms, Retinopathy of prematurity, Risk factorAbstract
Background: Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is one of the most common causes of preventable blindness in children. Recent advances in the neonatology have increased preterm survival and so has the ROP incidence. Studies all over the world and across the country have shown a wide range for incidence of ROP and so it is difficult to gauge the exact incidence, especially in our region.
Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in neonatal units of the Department of Paediatrics, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur for a duration of six months. All newborns delivered in hospitals associated with Dr S. N. Medical College with gestation age at birth <34weeks and 34-36weeks associated with risk factors subjected to ROP screening by indirect ophthalmoscope by a trained ophthalmologist. Neonates with congenital cataract, hazy cornea, abnormal anterior chamber and those who expired or lost to follow up before sufficient examination could be done were excluded.
Results: Out of 250 newborns screened, 34 (13.6%) were found positive for ROP and out of these 34, 18 (52.94%) had stage I, 11 (32.35%) had stage II, 5 (14.7%) had stage III and none for stage IV and V. Prolonged oxygen therapy, low birth weight, apnoea and sepsis were found to be significant risk factor (p<0.05) with the relative risk of 12.49, 3.71, 3.03 and 1.91 respectively.
Conclusions: ROP is a preventable cause of blindness in children. Thus, its screening is indispensable and it has to be intensified in presence of risk factors such as prolonged oxygen therapy, low birth weight, apnoea and sepsis.
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