Substance abuse among male adolescents in northern India
Substance abuse, AdolescentsAbstract
Background: The rising burden of substance abuse among adolescents is a major public health challenge worldwide. The present study was undertaken to find out the prevalence of substance abuse among adolescents in Kanpur.
Methods: This community based, cross-sectional study was conducted in among 539 male adolescents in the age group 10-18 years using simple random sampling. A pre-tested and pre-designed schedule was used to collect the relevant information after taking informed consent. The data was analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: Substance abuse was found among 15.02% male adolescents. Smoking was prevalent among 10.95%, alcohol was used by 3.34% and other drugs were used by 0.75% male adolescents. There was an increase in prevalence of substance abuse with the increase in age.
Conclusions: It is important to strengthen health education on substance abuse among the adolescents age group through mass media and school health programs.
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