Evaluation of serum lipid profile in children with nephrotic syndrome admitted in emergency ward of Government Tirunelveli Medical College and Hospital, India


  • C. Krishanamurthy Department of Pediatrics, Government Tirunveli Medical College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • J. Rukmani Department of Pediatrics, Government Tirunveli Medical College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Denny Clarin Department of Pediatrics, Government Tirunveli Medical College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India




Lipid profile, Nephrotic syndrome, Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome (SRNS), Steroid-Dependent Nephrotic Syndrome (SDNS)


Background: Nephrotic syndrome is a collection of clinical findings due to kidney damage. This includes protein in the urine, low blood albumin levels, high blood lipids, and significant edema. The objective of this study was to study the correlation between lipid profile and different types of nephrotic syndrome

Methods: This cross-sectional study was done between March 2017 - October 2017 in the Department of Pediatrics, Tirunelveli Government Medical College. 40 cases of nephrotic syndrome between 1 to 12 years, which include all types of nephrotic syndrome. After history taking and clinical examination, blood samples were collected from the patients for lipid profile and analyzed with standard techniques.

Results: In the 40 cases included in the present study mean serum albumin was low (mean = 2.212 gm %), mean total cholesterol (mean = 344.300 mg/dl) mean triglycerides (mean = 304.025 mg/dl) mean LDL (mean = 234.650 mg/dl) and mean VLDL (mean = 61.625 mg/dl) were elevated. HDL (mean = 46.07 mg/dl) with in normal limits. No significant changes observed.

Conclusions: Serum cholesterol levels elevated significantly in relapse cases compared to the first episode. Serum cholesterol in SRNS cases shows statistically significant elevation compared to other types. LDL values were elevated in relapse cases compared to the first episode which were found out to be statistically insignificant. LDL values in SRNS cases show statistically significant elevation compared to first episodes and SDNS cases.


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How to Cite

Krishanamurthy, C., Rukmani, J., & Clarin, D. (2018). Evaluation of serum lipid profile in children with nephrotic syndrome admitted in emergency ward of Government Tirunelveli Medical College and Hospital, India. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 5(6), 2244–2248. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20184289



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