Prevalence and risk factors for bronchial asthma in an urban area of Puducherry: a cross-sectional study


  • L. Anand Arokiaraj Department of Paediatrics, Sri Venketeswaraa Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Puducherry, India
  • T.R. Gobinaath Department of Paediatrics, Sri Venketeswaraa Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Puducherry, India



Food allergens, Bronchial asthma, School children, Urban and rural


Background: Food allergy is mostly IgE-mediated which is estimated to affect 6% to 8% children and 3% to 4% adults the clinical and social impact of which takes a hard toll in early childhood. The objective of this study is to study the magnitude of food allergy and differences in food allergens among the urban and rural school-going children.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 350 school going children, aged 5-10 years, attending to two private schools (n=192) and two government schools (n=158) in the urban and rural field practice areas respectively and data regarding food allergens was collected using a semi-structured proforma.

Results: There was a significant higher (p<0.001) proportion of wheeze symptomatics among the urban (n=70, 44.3%) than the rural students (n=37, 19.3%). The students had higher allergies to Ice-cream (14.57%, n=51), prawn (11.14%, n=39), peanut (14.57%, n=51), garlic (14.57%, n=51), fish (11.14%, n=39) and milk (11.14%, n=39).

Conclusions: There was a higher proportion of food allergy among the urban school students compared to the rural students. The food allergens also varied significantly in their influence on food allergy among the urban and rural areas.


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How to Cite

Arokiaraj, L. A., & Gobinaath, T. (2018). Prevalence and risk factors for bronchial asthma in an urban area of Puducherry: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 5(6), 2249–2251.



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