First manifestation of severe haemophilia: acute flaccid paralysis due to spinal cord contusion with subdural hemorrhage


  • Nigam P. Narain Department of Pediatrics, Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
  • Bhupendra Narain Department of Pediatrics, Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
  • Md. Nasim Ahmed Department of Pediatrics, Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
  • Mampy Das Department of Pediatrics, Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India



Acute flaccid paralysis, Cord contusion, Subdural hemorrhage


Hemophilia A and hemophilia B are the most common and serious congenital coagulation factor deficiencies. Intracranial hemorrhages occur in 3-10%. Spinal epidural hematomas are rare. Even with severe hemophilia, only 90% have evidence of increased bleeding by 1 year of age. Only 2% of neonates with hemophilia sustain intracranial hemorrhages. Here we describe a case of a 5-month old boy with positive family history of hemophilia A on his maternal side who was admitted to the hospital because of retention of urine and decreased movement in both lower limbs following history of fall from height (approximately 2 feet high), two days prior to admission. Physical examination showed no skin lesion or hematoma. Neurological examination showed the infant in frog like posture with flaccid paralysis of both lower limbs without loss of sensation. There was associated bladder involvement with a Phantom hernia on the right side of his abdomen. MRI Spine revealed cord contusion in D4-D9 segment with spinal subdural hemorrhage. Coagulation profile was abnormal with a prolonged Activated plasma thromboplastin time. Factor VIII assay revealed a level of 1%. Treatment was conservative, and the infant was given factor VIII replacement. There was remarkable improvement within weeks. Thus, spinal hematomas being rare should still be considered and ruled out for prompt management of cases of suspected hemophilia. This case highlights the importance of a thorough family history which led to the ultimate diagnosis of severe Hemophilia A by coagulation profile and neuroimaging and further confirmed by factor VIII assay.


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How to Cite

Narain, N. P., Narain, B., Ahmed, M. N., & Das, M. (2018). First manifestation of severe haemophilia: acute flaccid paralysis due to spinal cord contusion with subdural hemorrhage. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 5(2), 657–659.



Case Reports