A study of various determinates and incidence of low birth weight babies born in Umaid hospital, Jodhpur (Western Rajasthan)


  • Raj Kumar Bhimwal Department of Medicine, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Mohan Makwana Department of Paediatrics, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Harish Kumar Chouhan Department of Paediatrics, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Mukesh Gupta Department of Paediatrics, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Kanwar Lal Department of Zoology, Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Rakesh Jora Department of Paediatrics, Dr. S. N. Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India




Incidence, Low birth weight, Prematurity, Preterm, Risk factors


Background: Low birth weight is one of the most serious challenges for maternal and child health in both developed and developing countries. It is the single most important factor that determines the changes of child survival. Nearly 50% of neonatal deaths occur among LBW babies. The survivors among them are at a higher risk of developing malnutrition, recurrent infections and neurodevelopment backwardness.

Methods:The present study was conducted at Department of Pediatrics, Dr. S. N. Medical. College, Jodhpur. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Sample size: 8266 consecutive live birth babies were enrolled. Inclusion Criteria: A total number of 8266 consecutive live birth babies were enrolled a total number of 2542 Low birth weight babies were delivered with birth weight 2.5 Kg. or less. Exclusion Criteria: (i) IUD babies, (ii) Still born babies, (iii) Lodger babies.

Results: Incidence of LBW babies were 30.725%, VLBW babies 2.71% and that of ELBW babies were 0.89%, Male, Female ratio was 1:1.09, 80% LBW babies were more than 1.8Kg, 73.05% babies were between 37-40 weeks of gestational age and 5.0% were extreme premature (<32 weeks) Teen aged mother and elderly mothers, Primi para and multiparty (4th and above) had increased incidence of LBW babies, 84.97% of LBW babies born normally, maximum number of mothers were from lower socioeconomic status (54.41%) were illiterate (41.8%). Tobacco addiction had adverse effects on birth weight. PIH was the most frequent complication (17.93%). Followed by APH (2.95%) and P.P.H. 1.41% Anemia was the most common (23.73%) medical illness followed by Chronic UTI 2.59%, TB 1.61% and RHD 1.18%.

Conclusions:Interventions to improve intrauterine growth and gestational duration by providing adequate caloric supplementation before and during pregnancy, febrile illnesses prophylaxis, or treatment, reduce tobacco chewing in mothers, avoid child bearing in young adolescents and in late reproductive age, improving maternal education, general improvement in nutrition and socio-economic condition and Improving sanitation and water supply.


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How to Cite

Bhimwal, R. K., Makwana, M., Chouhan, H. K., Gupta, M., Lal, K., & Jora, R. (2017). A study of various determinates and incidence of low birth weight babies born in Umaid hospital, Jodhpur (Western Rajasthan). International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 4(4), 1302–1309. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20172604



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