Meningitis in late onset sepsis
Late onset sepsis, Lumber Puncture, MeningitisAbstract
Background: Neonatal sepsis contributes substantially to neonatal morbidity and mortality and is an ongoing major global public health challenge. In developed countries, this incidence of neonatal meningitis is 0.3 per 1000 live births. In developing countries, the reported incidence of neonatal meningitis is much higher at 0.8-6.1 per 1000 live births, with a mortality of 40-58%. So, this study was undertaken to estimate the incidence of meningitis in late onset sepsis.
Methods: This study was conducted in out born NICU of R.N.T. Medical College, Udaipur (Raj.) from November 2016 to February 2017. All neonates between age 7 days to 28 days of life were included in the study. A sepsis screening and blood culture were sent for all neonates. All positive sepsis screen patients were taken for Lumber Puncture. CSF was examined with positive sepsis screen and high clinical suspicion of meningitis. CSF culture was sent for every patient. CT scan was done in patient with proven bacterial meningitis.
Results: A total of 90 patients with suspected late onset sepsis were admitted. Most of the neonates were admitted with complain of temperature instability and poor feeding. Meningitis was observed in 55 out of 90 cases (61.11%). Out of 55 patients CSF culture was found positive in 70% cases. Most common organisms were E. coli in 50% cases, Klebsiella in 15% and Enterobactor in 10%. Mortality was around 45.5% (n=25).
Conclusions: Neonatal meningitis is a major disease that results in death and significant mortality and morbidity in neonates.
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