Audiological assessment in children with autism spectrum disorder: a tertiary care centre experience
Background: Aim was to assess the audiological function in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Methods: A prospective study conducted over one year at a tertiary care center involved 55 children: 30 with ASD (Group A) and 25 healthy children (Group B). Tympanometry, transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE), and brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA) tests were performed on both groups and compared.
Results: The study involved 55 children divided in 2 groups-ASD (Group A) and healthy children (Group B). Tympanometry showed Type 'A' curves in all group B children and in 26 out of 30 group A children; 4 children in group A with type 'B' or 'C' curves were excluded. In group A, 16.6% of children had TEOAE response in one ear, and 20% had no responses. All children in group B had TEOAE responses in both ears. BERA results showed significant differences between both groups in terms of inter-peak latencies between waves I and III and III and V (p<0.05), though the inter peak latency between waves I and V was not significant (p>0.05).
Conclusions: According to our study, patients with ASD in addition to neurological and behavioral assessment need regular auditory function testing as well.
METHOD- A prospective study conducted over one year at a tertiary care center involved 55 children: 30 with ASD (Group A) and 25 healthy children (Group B). Tympanometry, Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAE), and Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) tests were performed on both groups and compared.
RESULTS- The study involved 55 children divided in 2 groups- Autism Spectrum Disorder (Group A) and healthy children (Group B). Tympanometry showed Type 'A' curves in all Group B children and in 26 out of 30 Group A children; 4 children in Group A with Type 'B' or 'C' curves were excluded. In Group A, 16.6% of children had TEOAE response in one ear, and 20% had no responses. All children in Group B had TEOAE responses in both ears. BERA results showed significant differences between both groups in terms of inter-peak latencies between waves I & III and III & V (p<0.05), though the inter peak latency between waves I and V was not significant (p>0.05).
According to our study, patients with ASD in addition to neurological and behavioral assessment need regular auditory function testing as well.
TEOEA, BERA, Autism Spectrum Disorder
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