Prevalence of overweight and obesity and factors affecting it in affluent adolescents of Raichur city


  • Niranjan N Department of Pediatrics, Sardar Patel Medical College and Hospitals, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
  • Sagar Hiremath Department of Pediatrics, Raichur Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India
  • Akhil Kapoor Department of Oncology, Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer Treatment & Research Institute, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
  • Pramod Kumar Berwal Department of Pediatrics, Sardar Patel Medical College and Hospitals, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India


Obesity, Overweight, Body mass index, Raichur city


Background: Childhood obesity is associated with increased incidence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart diseases, osteoarthritis and overall increase in morbidity and mortality in adult life. Most of the studies have been done in metropolitan cities of India. This study aims to assess the prevalence of obesity and overweight and to identify the factors influencing adolescent obesity in a smaller district like Raichur, situated in the North-Eastern part of Karnataka.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was done among 984 students aged 10-16 years from 3 schools which cater the well-to-do of Raichur city. Their BMI was calculated and determined as to whether they were obese or overweight. The students were given questionnaire to collect data about type of diet, intake of junk foods, number of hours of sleep, daily exercise, TV viewing and knowledge about obesity and its effects.

Results: The prevalence of obesity and overweight was found to be 4.6% and 11.3% respectively and was found to be higher in girls (6% & 12% respectively) than boys (3.6% & 10.8% respectively). Daily exercise, intake of junk food and duration of sleep of more than 8 hours were found to be significant factors influencing adolescent obesity.

Conclusions: Prevalence of adolescent obesity is an emerging problem of not only Metropolitan cities, but also that of small towns and districts like Raichur. Steps need to be taken to prevent obesity at the onset itself by daily exercise, increasing physical activity, reducing intake of junk foods etc. Further studies are required to elucidate the factors influencing adolescent obesity. 


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How to Cite

N, N., Hiremath, S., Kapoor, A., & Berwal, P. K. (2017). Prevalence of overweight and obesity and factors affecting it in affluent adolescents of Raichur city. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 2(1), 21–24. Retrieved from



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