Diagnostic value of high-resolution ultrasound in localization and status of non-palpable undescended testis in children
Non-palpable undescended testis, Ultrasound, Diagnosis, ChildrenAbstract
Background: In male children, undescended testes are a common genitourinary anomaly. Localization of the testis by clinical examination and most imaging studies. Ultrasonography and MRI play diagnostic era. The study goal was diagnostic accuracy of sonography to localization and status of non-palpable undescended testis.
Methods: This cross-sectional type of observational study was carried out from January 2018 to April 2019 (16 months duration) in the department of pediatric surgery, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh. Among the 36 patients with non-palpable undescended testis who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the patients' medical histories were recorded in a data collection sheet following the parents or guardians informed written consent. Data was processed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 24.
Results: Total 36 non palpable undescended testis patients were included in this study. Age range 6 months to 12 years with mean age of 3.06±2.58 years. Among 36 patients 20 were left sided, 10 were right sided and 6 were bilateral. Sonographic localization in inguinal canal were 20 (55.55%), proximal to deep ring were 8 (22.22%) superficial inguinal rings were 4 (11.11%) and unlocated 4 (11.11%). Per operative localization of testis in inguinal canal were 19 (52.78%) proximal to deep ring were 7 (16.66%), abdominal were 5 (13.88%), superficial inguinal ring was 3 (8.33%), and unlocated were 2 (5.55%). Mean length and breadth of per operative measurement of testes were 11.2±2.6 mm and 7.9±1.8 mm respectively. Sensitivity, specificity and efficacy of this study were 94.11%, 40%, 81.81% respectively.
Conclusions: Abdominoscrotal sonography is safe, non-invasive, accurate and bed side diagnostic tool in the detection of non-palpable testis in children.
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