To study the prevalence of depression and effect of home environment on depression among school going children
Background: Stable mental health is essential for children’s health and well-being. Among all the childhood mental disorders most frequent is the early onset major depressive disorder (M.D.D.), which is a burden for both the individual and the society. Childhood depression can lead to increased risk of poor academic performance, impaired social functioning, suicidal behavior, homicidal ideation, and alcohol/substance abuse. Keeping this in mind present study was planned to study the prevalence of depression in school going children and effect of home environment on depression.
Methods: This study was done by Department of Paediatrics, S. P. Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India in collaboration with Department of Psychiatry S. P. Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India. School children included in the study were screened by a screening tool CES-DS to pick up the probable cases of depression and final diagnosis of M.D.D. was made according to DSM-IV-TR criteria.
Results: In our study prevalence of depression was found 2.33% in 6-12 year old school going children. Depressed children showed very high level of social isolation, deprivation of privileges, rejection and punishment in their home environment.
Conclusions: Childhood depression is not an uncommon disorder. Home conditions like social isolation, deprivation of privileges and rejection have negative effect and protectiveness, nurturance and permissiveness have positive effect on depression.
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