Intraventricular hemorrhage on mortality and neurological outcomes in premature infants


  • Madhuri Kadam K. B. Bhabha Municipal Hospital, Bandra, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Abhijeet Trivedi CAMC Women and Children Hospital, Charleston, West Virginia USA
  • Vishal Sachede Apex Hospital, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



IVH, Preterm neonates, IVH severity, Early gestational age, Low birth weight


Background: Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is the commonly encountered clinical event in preterm neonates which imposes significant morbidity and mortality. Although there is a rapid advancement in the neonatal care, IVH is the common cause of neonatal intensive care units admissions. The present study was carried out to evaluate the risk factors, mortality and neurological outcomes in preterm neonates with IVH.

Methods: This was a prospective study conducted on 75 preterm neonates who were delivered before 37 weeks of gestation. The neonates were subjected to cranial ultrasound for the diagnosis of IVH and graded as per the severity. The neonatal and prenatal variables were recorded and analysed to find its association with IVH progression and mortality. Immediate neurological outcome was also assessed among the IVH preterm neonates. 

Results: In this study out of 75 preterm neonates, the prevalence of IVH was 18 (24%). The main neonatal factors for IVH are less gestational age at delivery, 28-31 weeks (p=0.001), birth weight <1500 gm (p=0.001), APGAR scores <5 at 1 and 5 minutes (p>0.05) and maternal factors associated with IVH is premature rupture of membranes (p=0.01). The mortality rate among the IVH preterm neonates was 7 (38.9%). The significant predictors of mortality were male gender (p=0.004), grade III and IV IVH (p=0.001) and birth weight (p=0.001). The main neurological outcomes observed were seizures and post-hemorrhagic ventricular dilatation.

Conclusions: Increased severity of IVH, early gestational age and low birth weight were associated with mortality in preterm neonates with IVH.


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How to Cite

Kadam, M., Trivedi, A., & Sachede, V. (2024). Intraventricular hemorrhage on mortality and neurological outcomes in premature infants. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 11(3), 296–302.



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