Feeding premature babies in the neonatology department of the Androva Mahajanga Hospital


  • Safidisoa Nambinina Razanamanana Department of Neonatology, Hospital Center of Itaosy, Madagascar https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4065-1102
  • Nirina Henintsoa Raveloharimino Department of Neonatology, Hospital Center of Mahajanga, Faculty of Medicine, Madagascar
  • Radohery Lovasoa Randriamanga Department of Neonatology, Hospital Center of Mahajanga, Faculty of Medicine, Madagascar
  • Norotiana Rabesandratana Department of Neonatology, Hospital Center of Mahajanga, Faculty of Medicine, Madagascar




Enteral nutrition, Human milk, Prematurity, Ulcerative colitis, Weight gain


Background: The initiation and progression of enteral nutrition in premature infants remains a challenge. The aim of this study was to evaluate enteral nutritional management in premature infants in the neonatology department at the mother and child complex Androva Mahajanga.

Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study over a 7-month period, from January to July 2018. All neonates under 37SA who received enteral feeding were included.

Results: During the study period, 74 newborns were able to receive enteral feeding. The mean age of onset of enteral feeding was 10.6 hours. In 89.2% of cases, enteral feeding was started within the first 24 hours of life. On average, the initial quantity administered was 28.4ml/kg/d. Human milk was used most frequently (54.8%). The presence of residue was the most frequently encountered incident (31.5%). Ulcero-necrotizing enterocolitis occurred in 7 newborns (9.5%). Forty-five newborns had a good outcome, with an average weight gain of 9.28 g/kg/d.

Conclusions: The implementation of a nutritional management protocol for newborns, especially premature babies, in the neonatology department would be beneficial for a better outcome and growth of the baby.


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How to Cite

Razanamanana, S. N., Raveloharimino, N. H., Randriamanga, R. L., & Rabesandratana, N. (2024). Feeding premature babies in the neonatology department of the Androva Mahajanga Hospital. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 11(3), 261–263. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20240341



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