Effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding thermoregulation of neonates among B.Sc. nursing fourth year students of Sister Nivedita Govt. nursing college, IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh


  • Alka Department of Child Health and Nursing, Sister Nivedita Government Nursing College, IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
  • Prabha Kashyap Department of Child Health and Nursing, Sister Nivedita Government Nursing College, IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India




Thermoregulation, Neonates, Planned teaching programme, Knowledge


Background: A newborn baby is a God’s divine precious gift given to a mother. Immediately after birth thermal conditions of newborn dramatically change. Neonates should be nursed within their ‘neutral thermal environment’. Cold stress can cause serious metabolic consequences for all newborns. Health professionals have responsibility to ensure that thermoregulatory needs of the infant. Hence, current study was planned to access and to improve knowledge regarding Thermoregulation of Neonates among B.Sc. Nursing 4th year students.

Methods: A pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test research design was used for the study. Total 30 B.Sc. Nursing 4th year students of Sister Nivedita Govt. Nursing College, IGMC Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) was taken as study sample. Convenient sampling technique was used. Ethical approval was taken from institutional ethical committee. A self-structured knowledge questionnaire of 30 questions was used to collect the data. After conducting pre-test, planned teaching programme was provided by using the power point presentation, and knowledge score of both pre-test and post-test was compared.

Results: The level of knowledge regarding pre- test and post -test mean scores are 12.43 and 22.03 respectively. Paired t-test calculated value was 16.103 which was much higher than the table value at p<0.001.

Conclusions: The study concluded that the Planned teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge of B.Sc. nursing 4h year students regarding thermoregulation of neonates.


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How to Cite

Alka, & Kashyap, P. (2023). Effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding thermoregulation of neonates among B.Sc. nursing fourth year students of Sister Nivedita Govt. nursing college, IGMC, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 10(12), 1824–1831. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20233604



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