Growth profile of children with beta-thalassemia major
Anemia, Thalassemia, Ferritin, Iron overloadAbstract
Background: Retarded growth in thalassemic patient is complex and multi-factorial, it includes chronic hypoxia secondary to anemia when pre-transfusion haemoglobin is below 9 g/dl. Development of secondary sexual characteristics in thalassemic children is markedly delayed as compared to their non-thalassemic siblings and to the expected development criteria due to chronic hypoxia and iron overload. The main objective of the present study is to monitor the growth of these patients longitudinally
Methods: This was a observational, cross sectional field study in Pune, Maharashtra.
Result: Patients with beta-thalassemia major on regular blood transfusions have growth failure, deranged liver function and hypocalcaemia in conjunction with high serum ferritin levels
Conclusions: Beta thalassemia major, having the potential of leading to multisystemic complications, is a chronic disease that should be treated and followed-up by a multidisciplinary approach.
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