Study of cord blood lipid profile of term (appropriate and small for gestational age) and preterm (appropriate and small for gestational age) newborns with special reference to atherogenic index: a cross-sectional study
Apolipoprotein B, Atherogenic index, HDL, LDL, VLDLAbstract
Background: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases is a major cause for morbidity and mortality in adult population. Increasing awareness about the origin of the atherosclerosis in early life has renewed interest in determination of various lipid fractions in paediatric age group. Therefore, the present study was planned to estimate the lipid levels in Term (Appropriate and small for Date) and Preterm (Appropriate and Small for Date) newborn as well to plan meticulous follow-up of babies with a deranged profile. Aim was to study cord blood lipid profile of term and preterm (appropriate and small for date) newborns with special reference to atherogenic index.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at neonatal section of department of paediatrics in collaboration with department of obstetrics and gynaecology and Rajiv Gandhi centre for diabetes and endocrinology Jawaharlal Nehru medical college, Aligarh Muslim University. A total of 200 newborns were enrolled in the study. Cord blood samples were collected from placental side at birth and analysed for lipid profile which includes total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density and high-density lipoprotein and atherogenic index.
Results: All the lipid parameters were higher among the low-birth weight babies when compared with the normal birth-weight babies, the difference was statistically significant for total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and VLDL cholesterol.
Conclusions: Prematurity is a factor associated with a more Atherogenic lipid profile is reaffirmed and SGA as an additional risk factor has been proven giving scope for future research and primordial prevention.
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