Evaluation of etiology and clinical spectrum of respiratory distress in neonates admitted in tertiary care NICU


  • Shailendra Pawar Department of Paediatrics, Mata Channan Devi Hospital, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India
  • Sachdev C. P. Department of Paediatrics, Mata Channan Devi Hospital, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India




Respiratory distress, New-born, Transient tachypnea, Neonatal pneumonia


Background: Neonatal period is defined as up to first 28 days of life and further divided into very early (birth to <24 h), early (birth to <7 days), and late neonatal period (7 days to <28 days). Neonatal period is the most vulnerable period of human life as it accounts for very high morbidities and mortalities and most of these are preventable. India contributes to one-fifth of global live births and more than a quarter of neonatal deaths. Respiratory distress is most common cause of NICU admission Aim of current study was to determine the etiology of respiratory distress in neonates presenting in NICU, clinical spectrum of respiratory problems in neonates having respiratory distress and the management of respiratory distress.

Methods: The present study was a prospective, observational, comparative study. This study was conducted from January 2019 to October 2019 at Mata Channan Devi hospital Janakpuri, New Delhi. 80 patients were included in this study.

Results: In our study 93.75% cases of respiratory distress was of respiratory origin, while 3.75% was due to cardiac cause and 2.5% was central nervous system due to birth asphyxia and in our study group most common clinical finding of respiratory distress was tachypnea found in 97.5% of patients. Result showed, overall incidence of respiratory distress among in borns was 10.34%. In our study TTNB was most common cause of respiratory distress among new born.

Conclusions: There was no significant difference of incidence in male and female babies. The etiology varies with gestational age. In spite of all advances in primary maternal care, delivery and early new born care respiratory distress is still the most common cause of morbidity and NICU admission in newborn babies.


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How to Cite

Pawar, S., & C. P., S. (2023). Evaluation of etiology and clinical spectrum of respiratory distress in neonates admitted in tertiary care NICU. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 10(8), 1222–1225. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20232238



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