Cutaneous tuberculosis presenting as abdominal wall cellulitis: a case report


  • Jaskirat Kaur Sandhu Department of Pediatrics, Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital, Faridkot, Punjab, India
  • Satpreet Kaur Department of Pediatrics, Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital, Faridkot, Punjab, India



Scrofuloderma, Cellulitis, Cutaneous, Ulcer, Mycobacterium


Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a prevalent disease worldwide; according to World Health Organization (WHO), children and young adolescents represent about 11% of all people with TB globally. Although TB often is cited as a disease that commonly occurs in underdeveloped countries, the evolution of drug-resistant forms of TB and infection sensitivity of immunocompromised individuals have made this disease as a focal point for developed countries as well. Although pulmonary TB is the most common form worldwide, but TB can infect any organ of the body. An uncommon version- cutaneous TB- affects <2% of all individuals with active form of TB. This case report describes a 4-month-old child who presented to us with abdominal wall cellulitis following a history of fall related injury. Incision and drainage of the pus from the fluctuant area grew acid fast bacilli on Zeihl-Neelsen staining. After the child didn’t show any improvement with intravenous antibiotics, empirical anti-tuberculosis therapy was initiated after which there was marked improvement. Cutaneous TB constitutes a very small percentage of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis and is rarely seen in paediatric age group.


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How to Cite

Sandhu, J. K., & Kaur , S. (2023). Cutaneous tuberculosis presenting as abdominal wall cellulitis: a case report. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 10(5), 733–735.



Case Reports