Ignorance: the root of misfortune. Early childhood dental trauma to upper central incisor- consequences and its management-a case report
Apexification, Early childhood trauma, Immature teeth, Mineral trioxide aggregateAbstract
The successful treatment of early childhood dental trauma is influenced by the child’s age, the child’s cooperation, and the time-lapse between the trauma and seeking dental care. Delayed emergency care raises the risk of complications, making vital tooth survival and/or a favourable prognosis less predictable. As a result, prompt treatment and follow-up are critical to reducing the risk of both short and long-term negative outcomes. This case report describes an early childhood trauma to the upper central incisor which was left untreated. It subsequently developed discoloration, pulpal necrosis, thin dentinal walls, and a wide-open apex. An absorbable collagen barrier was placed against which MTA was condensed and filled up to the cementoenamel junction. A subsequent assessment revealed clinical and radiographic success.
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