Serum zinc levels in children aged two months to five years in hospitalized children with pneumonia
Pneumonia, Zinc, Immune defense mechanism, IMNCIAbstract
Background: Pneumonia is the infection of the lung parenchyma which is one the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among under five age group. The prime aim of this study is to identify the severity and to supplement the children with factors that reduce the mortality caused by pneumonia, zinc being one of the major factors in the immune defense mechanism in reducing the severity and mortality. Our study estimates the amount of zinc in severe pneumonia child thereby to arrive at a rationale to supplement zinc among Pneumonia children to reduce the course of illness. The core objective of this study is to compare serum zinc level in children with severe pneumonia among different age and sex.
Methods: A prospective case-control study was carried out with 50 cases and 50 controls in age group of 2 months to 5 years admitted in Government Cuddalore Medical College, Chidambaram. The study period ranges from December 2020 to December 2022. The cases are identified as per history thorough clinical examination and radiological evidence based on IMNCI criteria. All the children in both case and control group were subjected to serum-zinc level analysis after obtaining informed consent from the Parents. Zinc level in both groups were compared and analyzed. Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version-16 was used as a statistical tool. Ethical clearance has been obtained.
Results: The mean serum zinc level in children admitted with pneumonia is 55.126 and the mean serum zinc level in controlled growth is 78.803. Zinc level is significantly lower in children with pneumonia.
Conclusions: The estimated mean serum zinc levels in pneumonia group children confirms that there is a relative zinc deficiency in children with pneumonia and may play a role in the severity progression. Our study supports the need for zinc supplementation in pneumonia children to boost their immune defense mechanism which in turn reduces the severity and the progression of pneumonia. It tends to curtail the case fatality rate of pneumonia.
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