Solid malignant pediatric tumors: a histopathological study


  • Neelu Gupta Department of Pathology, Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
  • Monika Choudhary Department of Pathology, Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
  • Sandeep Pachar Department of Respiratory Medicine, Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
  • Jai Prakash Dhaka Department of Pathology, Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
  • Roshan Verma Department of Pathology, Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India



Histopathology, Malignant, Pediatric, Solid


Background: In general, the features of malignancies in children differ biologically and histologically from those of adults with respect to incidence, type of tumor, underlying familial or genetic aberration and tendency to regress spontaneously or cytodifferentiation. In recent years, identification of specific genes, oncogenes, tumor markers and other biological and pathological factors have played an important role in staging and classifying risk categorization of specific tumors as low, intermediate and high-risk lesions.

Methods: This study is under taken to evaluate the incidence and morphological features of solid malignant tumors in children of fifteen years and below. The material for present study is obtained from S. P. Medical College, Bikaner and referred cases. The histopathology slides and paraffin blocks are reviewed.

Results: The sections 3-5 μ thick, are cut and stained by haematoxylin and eosin in all cases and special stains like PAS, MTS, RS done where ever feasible. An analysis of 60 cases of solid malignant tumors of childhood over a period of 5years are made. The early onset and the embryonal nature of the major pediatric tumors, suggest a prenatal origin and role of genetic factors. Infections, exposure to drugs and chemicals during pregnancy are other contributory factors.

Conclusions: Accurate incidence of data is important in the planning and evaluation of clinical trials. Documentation of cases, advanced diagnostic methods like IHC, cytogenetic studies and treatment modalities with close follow up is needed to achieve better statistical evaluation of the problem.


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How to Cite

Gupta, N., Choudhary, M., Pachar, S., Dhaka, J. P., & Verma, R. (2017). Solid malignant pediatric tumors: a histopathological study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 4(2), 442–446.



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