Study of clinical profile and treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus in pediatric patients at a tertiary care centre
T1 DM, Diabetic ketoacidosis, Basal bolus regimen, Split mix regimenAbstract
Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is multifactorial autoimmune disease that leads to destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic β cells. Although exact etiology of T1DM is still unknown, researchers believe there is genetic predisposition, with strong link with specific HLA (DR and DQ2W) alleles. Treatment is directed at replacing missing hormone, insulin. After availability of more medical facilities, improvement in diagnosis and increasing awareness of diabetes, more cases of T1 DM have been diagnosed and treated. Aim of study were to study clinical profile of T1 DM in hospitalized children and to study effect of various insulin regimens in children with T1 DM.
Methods: Study design was of prospective observational, carried out at paediatric ICU and pediatric wards of civil hospital Ahmedabad, conducted from 01 August 2017 to 31 July 2021 (4 years) and study population was 150.
Results: Maximum numbers of patients (50.0%) were diagnosed as T1 DM in the age group of 5‐10 years in the present study. Diabetic ketoacidosis was the most common cause of hospitalization in 111 patients (74.3%). Most common presenting symptom in present study was polyuria and polydipsia (81.4%). In the present study, 88.6% patients were discharged. With basal bolus regimen, better glycaemic control was achieved. Incidence of hypoglycaemic events was also lesser (37.5%) with basal bolus regimen compared to split mix regimen (62.5%).
Conclusions: Diabetic ketoacidosis was the most common cause of hospitalisation. Better glycemic control was achieved through Basal Bolus Regimen.
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