Clinical profile and outcome of acute kidney injury in neonatal sepsis in a tertiary care centre
AKIN, Neonatal sepsisAbstract
Background: Septicemia remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among neonates with AKI complicating as many as 3.4 to 24% of them. The actual incidence of renal failure in all sepsis cases is not documented. There are several studies in the literature on renal failure in neonates which were based on older definitions using blood urea and urine output as parameters. The major limitation of the older studies was that they did not use the current acute kidney injury network (AKIN) definition. In the present study, we have attempted to investigate AKI in neonatal sepsis using the AKIN definition based on serum creatinine (Table1). We also attempted to determine the predictors of AKI in neonatal sepsis.
Methods: The present study was an explorative study conducted in the neonatal unit of Cheluvamba hospital attached to Mysore Medical College and Research Institute in which a total of 50 neonates with clinical/ culture positive sepsis were enrolled during the period of June 2014 to June 2015.
Results: These neonates were investigated for the presence of AKI based on serum creatinine values of three consecutive days and were divided into two groups. Group 1 consisted of septic neonates with AKI and group 2 consisted of septic neonates without AKI. Both the groups were followed up till discharge or death. The risk factors associated with sepsis were compared in both the groups and predictors of morbidity and mortality associated with AKI in sepsis were also determined.
Conclusions: Incidence and mortality associated with AKI in sepsis was found to be 24% and 75% respectively. Factors like PROM, foul smelling liquor, > 3 unclean vaginal examinations during labour were significant risk factors for development of AKI in sepsis. Culture positivity, associated meningitis, DIC, shock and need for assisted ventilation were poor prognostic indicators and were significantly associated with mortality.
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