Clinical profile and outcome of Guillain Barre syndrome in a tertiary care hospital


  • Sravya Sree Sreekantham Department of Pediatrics, MMC and RI, Mysore, Karnataka, India
  • Sudha Rudrappa Department of Pediatrics, MMC and RI, Mysore, Karnataka, India
  • Thanuja Basauanagowsa Department of Pediatrics, MMC and RI, Mysore, Karnataka, India



Intravenous immunoglobulin, Plasmapheresis, Acute flaccid paralysis


Background: Guillain Barre syndrome (GBS) is a progressive symmetric muscular weakness with absent or depressed deep tendon reflexes. Wide spectrum of disease severity can be seen ranging from a mild disease to quadriparesis, cranial nerve involvement and autonomic instability.

Methods: Hospital based observational study is planned for GBS patients admitted to Cheluvamba hospital, a tertiary care hospital in South India, for a period of 2.5 years from Jan 2020 to August 2022.

Results: 30 patients (12 males; 18 females; mean age of 7.7 years) were enrolled in this study. Among which 11 were in age group of 0-5 (36%), 10 were in the age group of 6-10 (33%), 7 were in age group of 10-15 (23%), 2 were in age group 16 and above (6.6%). Type of paralysis was paraparesis in 14 (46%) children quadriparesis in 15 (50%) children and one child had no limb involvement. In associated dysfunctions, autonomic dysfunction was seen in 1 (4.5%), bulbar palsy in 3 (13.6%). One child presented with features of Miller Fischer variant of GBS which are ophthalmoplegia and ataxia. Among 30 children 22 were recovered and discharged, 3 children died, and 5 children left against medical advice.

Conclusions: The clinical characteristics, subtype of GBS, and outcome vary according to geographic area. This study is directed to find the clinical pattern and outcome of the same in tertiary care hospital in south India.


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How to Cite

Sreekantham, S. S., Rudrappa, S., & Basauanagowsa, T. (2022). Clinical profile and outcome of Guillain Barre syndrome in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 9(12), 1156–1158.



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