Burden and pattern of congenital anomalies in newborns in a tertiary care hospital
Congenital malformations, Neonates, Musculoskeletal systemAbstract
Background: Anomaly is defined as a significant morphological or anatomic variation in the phenotype from the standard reference population. Objectives of current study was to investigate the incidence and pattern of congenital anomalies in the hospital delivered neonates, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh.
Methods: All the newborns delivered during the study period from October 2019 to November 2021 at JNMC, AMU, Aligarh were thoroughly examined and assessed for the presence of any congenital anomalies. Neonatal and maternal parameters were recorded in a predesigned proforma. Relevant investigations in the form of X-ray, ultrasonography and echocardiography were carried out in case of any suspected anomaly.
Results: Out of the total 10932 neonates delivered during the study period, 197 babies had congenital malformations including 166 live births and 31 still births with an incidence of 1.8%. Musculoskeletal system was the most commonly system involved and congenital talipes equinovarus was the single most common malformation. Higher incidence of malformation was seen to be associated with still birth, prematurity, male gender and low birth weight babies.
Conclusions: Regular antenatal checkups and anomaly scans can detect congenital malformations early. Pre conceptional counselling about maternal age at conception and birth order may help in preventing malformations associated with syndromes such as Down’s and Edward syndrome. Peri conceptional folate supplementation can prevent CNS malformations such as Neural tube defects significantly. Early diagnosis and treatment of maternal disease conditions like anemia, preeclampsia, hypertension and diabetes may affect occurrence of malformations.
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