Mauriac syndrome; a rare complication of type 1 diabetes mellitus


  • Anagha Ravi Department of Paediatrics, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India
  • Naresh Meena Department of Paediatrics, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India



Mauriac syndrome, Type I diabetes mellitus, Hepatomegaly, Rare complication


Mauriac syndrome is a rare complication of poorly controlled Type 1 diabetes mellitus.It is characterized by, truncal obesity, delayed puberty, cushingoid features, hepatomegaly. Although rare in developed countries, cases are seen in developing countries like India due to lack of awareness and poor socio-economic status. We report a case of 5 years old male child with type 1 diabetes mellitus and poor glycemic control with features of Mauriac syndrome from Jhalawar district, Rajasthan.

Author Biography

Anagha Ravi, Department of Paediatrics, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India

Department of pediatrics


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Case Reports