DPT immunization and SIDS
SIDS, DPT vaccination, BenefitsAbstract
Background: Aim of this study was to determine whether DTP increased the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in children.
Methods: Present case-control study was done in Andhra Pradesh at all medical centers in outpatient and inpatient, who have scheduled vaccination from the time of birth from 2012 to 2014.
Results: It is found that mortality with SIDS in the period zero to three days following DTP to be 6.9 times that in the period beginning 30 days after immunization (95 per cent confidence interval, 1.4 to 28). The mortality rate of non-immunized infants was 4.5 times that of immunized infants of the same age (95 per cent CI, 1.9 to 12). Although the mortality ratios for SIDS following DTP is less as the period of time of vaccination increase, so that only a few cases of SIDS in infants could be due to DTP vaccine.
Conclusions: Present study agrees that benefit of DPT vaccination is more than risk associated with SIDS. It is conclude that there is no increased risk of SIDS with immunization with DTP.
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