Trends in prevalence of low-birth-weight babies in India
LBW, Prevalence, India, NFHSAbstract
Low birth weight (LBW) affects newborns’ survival and is a global concern especially for developing countries. It is the most common health indicator for assessing neonates’ health conditions. The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of LBW in India in background of global perspective. A systemic review of the literatures was done, available in the principle medical databases including PubMed (including Medline), Google scholar, Web of science and Scopus from 2000 to 2021. A total of 65 articles were identified in the described database. Altogether 24 articles met the inclusion criteria and were eligible for data analysis. According to the all four national family health survey (NFHS) a decreasing trend is observed in the prevalence of LBW. The prevalence of LBW in India is 16.4 % in NFHS-4, 20.9% in NHFS-3, 22.9% in NFHS-2 and 25.2% in NHFS-4 respectively. A number of socio-demographic and maternal factors are responsible for LBW babies in India. LBW babies are global public health concern. Special emphasis should be given to the underlying factors responsible for LBW babies in India.
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