Correlation between sonological and clinical profile of mesenteric lymphadenitis among children in a tertiary care hospital of central Kerala


  • Vinod Joseph Department of Radiology, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Danny Jose Titus Department of Radiology, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Aby Dany Varghese Department of Paediatrics, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Jijo Joseph John Department of Paediatrics, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Girija Mohan Department of Paediatrics, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Geethu Mathew Department of Community Medicine, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Achu Joseph MBBS Undergraduate, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Tom Jojo Punnakudiyil MBBS Undergraduate, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India



Mesenteric lymphadenitis, Children, Acute gastroenteritis, Pain abdomen


Background: For abdominal pain in children, imaging is routinely applied to make a possible diagnosis both in the outpatient and in the emergency department. Though the diagnosis of mesenteric lymphadenitis is made often these days, the significance of the size and number is still ambiguous and most studies consider mesenteric lymphadenitis is defined as three or more lymph nodes that are each 5 mm or greater in the short axis.

Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary hospital in central Kerala and the study tool included a detailed structured questionnaire.

Results: Our study included 115 children with pain in the abdomen. 69 were found to have mesenteric lymphadenitis. Younger age group, fever as a symptom and acute infective gastroenteritis are statistically significantly associated with mesenteric lymphadenitis.

Conclusions: In our study, acute infective gastroenteritis was the most common cause to be associated with mesenteric lymphadenitis which was. The incidence of mesenteric lymphadenitis was found to be more in children below 5 years.


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