Assessment of level of fatigue and level of parenting efficacy among mothers of hospitalized children
Fatigue, Parenting efficacy, Mothers of hospitalized childrenAbstract
Background: Fatigue is a vital concern among mothers of hospitalized children but it remains relatively unexplored. Parenting efficacy is parent’s competence in taking care of the children. The present study was aimed to assess the level of fatigue and parenting efficacy among mothers of hospitalized children and to identify the correlation between them.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 112 mothers of hospitalized children in paediatric medical ward of a tertiary care centre. Participants were recruited through convenient sampling. Socio-demographic proforma was used to collect the data concern with socio demographic details, Chalder’s fatigue scale was used to assess the level of fatigue and parenting sense of competence (PSOC) scale was used to assess the level of parenting efficacy of mothers. Distribution of demographic variables, level of fatigue and level of parenting efficacy were expressed in frequency and percentage. Correlation between the level of fatigue and level of parenting efficacy was assessed by Karl Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results: Among 112 mothers 83.9% of them had moderate fatigue and only 42% had good parenting efficacy, Karl Pearson correlation had shown a negative correlation (r=-0.002). Age and occupation had shown significant association with level of fatigue (p=0.004, p=0.019 respectively).
Conclusions: In order to provide family centered care to the children, strategies should be implemented in all paediatric care units to reduce fatigue and to improve parenting efficacy among mothers of hospitalized children.
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