Seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus antibody in 11-15 years old children in Vijayawada and age-related incidence of hepatitis a virus in GGH, Vijayawada


  • Srimukhi Anumolu Department of Paediatrics, Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Kireeti Jarjapu Department of Paediatrics, Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • M. A. Rahman Department of Paediatrics, Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India



Seroprevalence, Hepatitis-A, Anti HAV Ig G, Hepatitis-A vaccine


Background: To estimate seropositivity of hepatitis A virus Ig G antibody (HAV Ig G antibody) in 11 to 15 years aged children in Vijayawada.

Methods: The study group includes 265 consecutive children aged 11 to 15 years attending GGH, Vijayawada and had a blood sample taken for any reason. The serum samples collected were screened for Anti HAV IgG antibody using commercially available Elisa kit (WANTAI). Information related to various socio demographic factors also were elicited by interview method. All the Anti-Hepatitis A virus IgM antibody positive individuals list are collected from 1stJuly 2015 to 1st august 2017 and were categorized based on age and analysed.

Results: The total seropositivity against Hepatitis A virus is 71%. The number of children in the urban population showing IgG antibodies is lower compared to that of rural population (p value-0.028). The highest number of Hepatitis A virus infected population (positive IgM) is between 10-14 years (50), followed by 15-19 years (45) and 5-9 years (43). This shows that there is increased risk of infection in the older age group and there is a shift to 2nd and 3rd decade (p value – 0.045).

Conclusions: The seropositivity of HAV IgG antibody in children aged 11-15 years is 71% in Vijayawada. Seroprevalence in the nearby area, Chennai, ten years back was found to be 95% by 12 years of age. This indicates there is a shift from high to intermediate endemicity in Vijayawada. There is need for vaccination in the susceptible individuals.



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Author Biography

Srimukhi Anumolu, Department of Paediatrics, Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Siddhartha medical college


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How to Cite

Anumolu, S., Jarjapu, K., & Rahman, M. A. (2021). Seroprevalence of hepatitis a virus antibody in 11-15 years old children in Vijayawada and age-related incidence of hepatitis a virus in GGH, Vijayawada. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 8(3), 440–444.



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