Herpes zoster in the pediatric age group: study from a tertiary care hospital


  • Audil M. Lanker Department of Paediatrics, SKIMS Medical College Hospital, Bemina, J & K, India
  • Shazia Jeelani Department of Dermatology, SKIMS Medical College Hospital, Bemina, J & K, India
  • Nasir Jeelani SKIMS Medical College Hospital, Bemina, J & K, India




Herpes zoster, Children, Immunocompetent


Background: Herpes zoster (HZ) caused by Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is uncommon in childhood.

Methods: During a period of one year all the children with HZ coming to the Departments of Pediatrics and Dermatology from a tertiary hospital were enrolled in the study. Various parameters like demographic details, history of vaccination against VZV, site of involvement and associated complications were noted down.

Results: HZ in children is very rare. Only 19 cases were reported from a tertiary care institute. It is more common in older children (one case <5 yrs). Most common site is thoracic (55%) segmental involvement. Complications (26.3%) are rare in children as compared to elderly.

Conclusions: Paediatric herpes zoster although uncommon can develop in immunocompetent children and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of vesicular eruptions in children. Proper treatment reduces the course as well as complications in the children.


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How to Cite

M. Lanker, A., Jeelani, S., & Jeelani, N. (2017). Herpes zoster in the pediatric age group: study from a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 2(4), 321–324. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20150779



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