A clinical corelation study of dengue fever with hepatic dysfunction in children and their outcome


  • Srividya G. M. Department of Pediatrics, Narayana Medical College and Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Poornima Lakshmi Department of Pediatrics, Narayana Medical College and Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India




Hepatic dysfunction, Dengue infection, Prothrombin time


Background: The study was hepatic dysfunction in childhood dengue infection and to study clinical co-relation like severity, clinical features, and outcome.

Methods: Dengue sero positive patients of 100 were admitted during the study period and examined for hepatomegaly and jaundice and subjected to complete blood count, liver function tests, ultrasound abdomen, PT, APTT, HBsAg, HCV, Widal and analysed.

Results: All patients presented with fever, most commonly occurred in age group of 5 to 7 years, hepatomegaly was the commonest clinical sign seen, thrombocytopenia was seen in 88% of cases, serum total bilirubin was raised in 10% of subjects with severe dengue infection. Serum SGOT was raised in 74 % of patients with dengue. When compared between the groups, rise in SGOT occurred in 74% of patients with probable dengue, 98% with warning signs and 100% in severe dengue. SGPT was raised in 58% of patients with dengue infection. When compared between the groups, rise in SGPT occurred in 42% of patients with probable dengue, 66% with warning signs and 81% in severe dengue. SGPT was raised in 28% of patients with dengue infection. When compared between the groups, rise in SGOT occurred in 9.5% of patients with probable dengue, 32% with warning signs and 82% in severe dengue. Prothrombin time was raised in 11% of patients. When compared between the groups, rise in PT occurred in 6.4% with warning signs and 72% in severe dengue. When compared between the groups, rise in APTT occurred in 6.4% of patients with warning signs and 72% in severe dengue. When compared between the groups fall in serum protein occurred in 12.7% with warning signs and 54.5% in severe dengue. 2 cases of severe dengue expired, in which the enzyme levels were highly elevated.

Conclusions: Significant rise of liver enzymes helps in recognition of severe forms of dengue infection. As hepatic dysfunction in dengue is transient and reversible, early identification of the same should help to reduce life threatening complications. This can help to reduce the morbidity and mortality due to dengue infection.al population.




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How to Cite

M., S. G., & Lakshmi, P. (2021). A clinical corelation study of dengue fever with hepatic dysfunction in children and their outcome. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 8(4), 706–710. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20211081



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