Alternative therapies for children’s with autism spectrum disorder


  • Asvitha Govindaraju SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Preethi Lakshminarayanan SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Sarvesh Sabarathinam SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Haripritha Meganathan SRM College of Pharmacy, SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India



Autism, Complementary and alternative medicine, Speech therapy, Herbs, Children, Occupational therapy


Autism is one of the major public health concerns in children around the world. Sudden behavioral changes and improper communication is considered to be most common public health hazards. Speech therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic therapy and music therapies are the most recommended treatment patterns. A complete cure is not achieved by the existing conventional therapies. Patients and caretakers choose alternative therapies like herbs as a final hope in management of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Most of the people are not aware of the drawbacks of alternative therapies. However, the selection of alternative therapies might help in communication balance as well as behavioral changes and speedy recovery. However, not all the alternative therapies lead to complete cure and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns false claims over the chelation therapy practice in ASD since it causes hypocalcaemia. A combination of herbal medicines with conventional treatment is known to have a positive effect in treating ASD children as well as some under-reported adverse reactions. Herbal medication, along with integrative therapy as an adjunctive to traditional treatment, also have an impact in treating children with ASD. Since the majority of the patients/caretakers are not disclosing their complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) use to their respective physicians. Physicians should give extra care and encourage the parents/caretakers to disclose their CAM practice in order to avoid false claim which results in serious adverse effects and life-threatening complications.


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How to Cite

Govindaraju, A., Lakshminarayanan, P., Sabarathinam, S., & Meganathan, H. (2020). Alternative therapies for children’s with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 7(12), 2421–2428.



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