Covidaemia and its implications


  • Anushri Soni Department of Paediatrics, Topiwala National Medical College and B.Y.L. Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Tanya Manish Arickatt Department of Paediatrics, Topiwala National Medical College and B.Y.L. Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Akshita Bhalerao Department of Paediatrics, Topiwala National Medical College and B.Y.L. Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Santosh Kondekar Department of Paediatrics, Topiwala National Medical College and B.Y.L. Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Viraemia, Vertical transmission, COVID-19, Neonatal COVID, RT-PCR


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has taught many lessons to the medical fraternity. Academicians and the general population have been through phases of anxiety, panic, and trail and errors. The growing assumption at the onset of the pandemic that COVID infection may spread by blood has not found its roots deep enough for any clinical consequences. As all the symptoms of COVID relate to its local invasion at the alveolar level and its immunological sequelae, this article discusses the possibilities with the research available over the last 10 months. So far, the plasma viral load detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) seems immaterial in comparison to the viral concentration from nasopharyngeal swabs. So the recommendations to prefer caesarean section for positive mothers, deferring blood donations by COVID patients, frequent antigen testing from blood serum and body fluids like breast milk or amniotic fluid, may really need to be given a second thought. Also, this article concludes about giving up the panic around the viremia-related possibility of vertical transmission from mother to fetus and other clinical implications of testing of blood for the same. This will help in saving the resources heavily to be used only selectively. Newborns in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) may be permitted to be handled without gloves and using simple practices of handwashing, saving further resources and reducing neonatal infections.



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Author Biography

Anushri Soni, Department of Paediatrics, Topiwala National Medical College and B.Y.L. Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Associate professor pediatrics


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How to Cite

Soni, A., Arickatt, T. M., Bhalerao, A., & Kondekar, S. (2020). Covidaemia and its implications. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 7(12), 2409–2415.



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