Institutional births analysis from labour room registries in North Indian hilly state


  • Mangla Sood Department of Pediatrics, IGMC Shimla and State Lead Child Health, Himachal Pradesh, India



Institutional delivery, Labour room, Newborn survival


Background: India is the second most populous country in the world contributing to one fifth of global deaths among under 5-year-old children. Of these under 5 deaths, Infant mortality contributes to more than 89% and neonatal mortality is responsible for 70% of IMR. Of the many proximal determinants of neonatal mortality, inadequate utilization of health services and poor skills of health care providers contribute significantly. The lack of data constrains targeted interventions for these. This study is an attempt to analyze the existing data quality along with gaps in the reporting system to initiate timely course correction for improved programmatic outcomes.

Methods: The labour room birth registries from 12 District hospitals and two Government Medical Colleges in the state of Himachal Pradesh (India) were analyzed. The data was extracted from archives in the State Child health Nodal Officer for the year 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.

Results: Over these two years the proportion of institutional delivery has improved. The number of newborns resuscitated remained constant at 4.5%.  There was an improved coverage of birth dose immunization. Improvement in Antenatal Corticosteroids coverage among preterm laboring mothers was also observed.

Conclusions: Continuous data analysis for improving its quality to take evidence informed decisions is needed.  Hands on skill improvement for staff is need of the hour to ensure timely and maximum returns on investment in reproductive and Child Health program.


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How to Cite

Sood, M. (2020). Institutional births analysis from labour room registries in North Indian hilly state. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 7(4), 838–842.



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