Demographic variation of electrolyte imbalance in a tertiary care pediatric intensive care unit
Demography, Electrolyte imbalance, Pediatric Intensive Care, SIADHAbstract
Background: Electrolyte imbalances are common in critically ill paediatric patients. When present, they can significantly affect the outcome. Critical care provision through Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) is aimed at maintaining ‘homeostasis’ in the body which is vital for the organ’s support and optimal function. This involves fluids and electrolytes balance.
Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in the PICU, SCB MC and Hospital, Cuttack during November 2015 to October 2017. includes Children admitted to PICU (Based on consensus guidelines for PICUs in India, Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (Pediatric Section) and Indian Academy of Pediatrics (Intensive Care Chapter).
Results: Percentage of male children was 65.9%, with male to female ratio 1.9:1, showing male dominance. Most electrolyte imbalances were seen in age group of 1 to 5 years (67.06%). Abnormal serum electrolyte was seen in 37.91% in our study. SIADH was observed in 43.5% of euvolemic hyponatremic patients. SIADH was observed in 27.8% of hyponatremic patients. Respiratory disorder was the most common attributing factor for SIADH followed by CNS disorder.
Conclusions: The present study showed high incidence of electrolyte abnormalities in patients admitted to pediatric intensive care unit. Though at times symptoms of electrolyte disorder is indistinguishable from symptoms of primary pathology, so a close monitoring and correction of electrolyte abnormalities is necessary for better outcome. SIADH is recognizable and common cause of electrolyte imbalance in PICU. Thus, this study recommends early routine monitoring of serum electrolytes in all patients admitted to PICU.
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