Growth outcome, feeding practices and co morbidities in follow up of discharged newborns from special newborn care unit Gwalior, India


  • Ajay Gaur Department, Department of Pediatrics, Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Prakash Petchimuthu Department, Department of Pediatrics, Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India



Co-morbidity, Feeding practices, Growth, Immunization, Length, Weight


Background: In spite of advances in neonatal care, infant mortality is still high in India. Regular follow up of discharged newborns could bring down infant mortality and reduce long term disability by early identification and intervention. The primary objective of the study is evaluating the Special Newborn Care Unit(SNCU) graduates for Comorbidities, feeding and immunization practices, growth assessment and outcome during follow up.

Methods: The discharged neonates from SNCU, GRMC were examined for their morbidity and growth monitoring done. Feeding and immunization practices were observed.

Results: Among 100 neonates observed, 2 neonates were excluded and 41(41.8%) were females and 57(58.1%) were males. Major causes of indication of admission were prematurity (25.5%) and birth asphyxia (22.4%). During follow up, 23(23.4%) neonates had respiratory infections followed by 19 cases (19.3%) of diarrhea. Around 45(45.9%) infants’ weight fall between -1 to +1 SD which was around 55 infants during admission. Length monitoring showed that around 68(69.3%) infants length fall between -1 to +1 SD which was 72 during admission. Exclusive breast feeding was observed in 68(69.3%) infants, 7 infants (7.1%) were exclusively top fed, and 19 infants (19.3%) were mixed fed. Immunization was appropriately done in only 51 infants (52%). Retinopathy of prematurity was observed in 2 infants during follow up. Hearing difficulty was observed in 1 infant.

Conclusions: Most common indication of admission in SNCU was prematurity. Most common comorbidity during follow up was respiratory infection. Weight monitoring of infants showed the reduction in weight during follow up than admission whereas length and head circumference was relatively static during admission and follow up.


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How to Cite

Gaur, A., & Petchimuthu, P. (2019). Growth outcome, feeding practices and co morbidities in follow up of discharged newborns from special newborn care unit Gwalior, India. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 6(6), 2296–2301.



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