Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of breast feeding among postnatal mothers at Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya, India
Breast feeding, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and infant mortalityAbstract
Background: Breast feeding is the best way of infant feeding. Physiologically, immunologically, psychologically best method and it is most vital for reducing infant mortality. Early human milk promotes gut maturation and immune activation. Therefore the objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of breast feeding among postnatal mothers at Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS), Mandya.
Methods: The data of the cross-sectional study includes demographic profile, knowledge among mothers regarding breast feeding and their attitude and practice towards breast feeding.
Results: Out of 138 postnatal mothers, 84 were primiparous (60.9%) and 54 (30.1%) were multiparous. And 56 (40.6%) had vaginal delivery and 82 (59.4%) had caesarian delivery. It was found that 124 (89.8%) has not received antenatal counselling regarding breast feeding. It shows that 15.84% received prelactal feeds. Out of 82 cesarean deliveries, 35 (42.58 %) feed baby within 2 hours and in case of vaginal deliver only 23 (41.07%) breast fed within half an hour Reason for delayed feeding was found to be separation of baby in case of vaginal delivery 28.5% and fatigue in case of cesarean section (40.24%).
Conclusions: In our study, it was found that, majority of them have not received antenatal counselling regarding breast feeding. Even though they have knowledge about breast feeding within appropriate time of delivery, still they are not practicing the same. It shows that, there is a gap between knowledge and practice. Intervention measures are needed to increase the attitude and practice of breast feeding.
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