Role of magnetic resonance imaging to detect occult spinal anomalies in anorectal malformations
Spinal anomalies low type ARM, High type ARM, Anorectal malformationsAbstract
Background: Anorectal malformations (ARM) are relatively frequently encountered anomalies that represent an important component of pediatric surgical practice. They are a complex group of malformations diagnosed at the time of birth, because of either the absence or an ectopic location of anus. The objective of the study is to determine the incidence of spinal anomalies in all types of anorectal malformations excluding cloaca in this part of country.
Methods: All anorectal malformation patients attending surgery OPD and admitted to Surgery Department of UP RIMS & R who were completely investigated for associated anomalies during March 2015-Feb 2016 were completely investigated for associated anomalies during the above mentioned period were included in the study.
Results: In our study we found that the incidence of spinal cord anomalies was 3 of 11 (27.2%) cases with low lesions and 12 of 39 (30.7%) cases with high lesions had spinal cord anomalies.
Conclusions: MRI evaluation of spine should be performed in all patients of ARM irrespective of type of lesion.
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