Are parents and children aware of child sexual prevention education?


  • Yamini Batham Department of Paediatrics, Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Sunita Koreti Department of Paediatrics, Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Ajay Gaur Department of Paediatrics, Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India



Awareness, Children, Child sexual abuse, Execution, Orientations, Parents


Background: India contains largest populations of child victim of sexual abuse. Current study aimed to find out awareness, orientation, execution of parents for child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention education and study the awareness of CSA prevention education among children attending pre-primary and primary school.

Method: It was cross-sectional study carried out during 2016-2017 at government and private school of Gwalior. Total 500 parents and 500 children were selected  Proforma based assessment was done among parents and diagrammatic (picture) based assessment among children, Children are explained about diagrammatic proforma and give to color area of good touch and bad touch.

Results: The study revealed that 34% of parents are unaware of various facts of child sexual abuse (p <0.005). Post graduate parents have more CSA awareness (90.3%) (p<0.001).Total36% parents have shown negative orientation towards child sexual abuse prevention education. CSA prevention awareness more in upper class parents (88.3%) as compared to lower class (43.8%) (p < 0. 001). post graduate parents have more CSA awareness as compared to illiterate and higher secondary. On assessing the knowledge of good touch and bad touch among children. It was found that only 6% of children have good knowledge, 36%children have some knowledge and 58 % no knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch .

Conclusion: Majority of parents and kid are unaware of various fact of child sexual abuse. Parents education level has direct correlation, highly qualified mother father has positive attitude toward child sexual abuse prevention education. Lack of knowledge found in lower socioeconomic class.


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