Clinical profile of Dengue fever in children of Nellore city, Andhra Pradesh, India
Children, Clinical profile, Leukocytosis, Non sever dengue fever, Sever dengue fever, ThrombocytopeniaAbstract
Background: India especially Andhra Pradesh is endemic for dengue, in dengue fever mortality and morbidity is more in children when compare to adults. Authors objective was to assess the clinical profile of the Dengue fever in children.
Methods: Children below 14 years with serologically positive for dengue included in this study from June 2017 to June 2018, data was collected and analyzed with MS office 2016.
Results: In 100 children 84 were suffering with Non Sever dengue , 16 were suffering with severe dengue. In the study population 68 were male children and 32 were female children, more children 68 were in the above 11 age group, 52 children stay in hospital for 3-6 days.
Conclusions: Health education and anti-larval measures and anti-adult measures for mosquito control is effective measures.
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