Integration of case based learning and bedside teaching in undergraduate students in pediatrics


  • Suhas P. Kulkarni Department of Pediatrics, D Y Patil Medical College Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Anil B. Kurane Department of Pediatrics, D Y Patil Medical College Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India



Bedside teaching, Case based learning, Deep thinking, Integration, Motivation, Undergraduate



Background: Teaching undergraduate students by bedside clinics has remained cornerstone of medical education because it imparts knowledge, teaches proper behaviour and can be used to teach skills effectively. Case based learning (CBL) is a newer modality of teaching in medical education. CBL involves preparing students for clinical practice through use of authentic clinical cases.  Aim of the study is to study the effect of integration of case based learning and bed side clinic on motivation, deep thinking and cognitive improvement in final MBBS students

Methods: The study group was undergraduate students of final MBBS posted for clinical posting in pediatric ward. The study was carried out on 59 students posted from March 2018 to September 2018. MCQ based pretest was done initially. The students were taught the topic by case based learning method for one hour. They were asked to take the case and bedside clinic was conducted. Relevant clinical examination was demonstrated to the students. Students were asked to practice the skills in front of the teacher. This was followed by the post-test and   questionnaires.

Results: 88.67% students thought that this method was motivating. 82.7 % students perceived that it increases deep thinking. 52.83% students showed more than 20% improvement in score of pre-test and post-test.

Conclusions: Integration of case based learning with bed side clinic was associated with Better motivation of final year MBBS students and development of deep thinking in students.  3. Significant change in cognitive learning in final MBBS students.


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How to Cite

Kulkarni, S. P., & Kurane, A. B. (2019). Integration of case based learning and bedside teaching in undergraduate students in pediatrics. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 6(5), 2112–2115.



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