Role of maternal Anemia on cord hemoglobin and infant hemoglobin and ferritin level at nine months of age


  • Abu Sadique Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, North Bengal Medical College, Sushrutnagar, Darjeeling, India
  • Achinta K. R. Mallick Department of Pediatrics, Military Hospital Kirkee, Pune, Maharashtra, India



Anaemia, Cord blood haemoglobin, Infancy, Pregnancy


Background: Primary objective was to compare hemoglobin at 9 months and secondary objective was to compare birth weight, cord hemoglobin and serum ferritin at 9 months between infants born to anaemic and non anaemic mothers.

Methods: In this prospective cohort study, we compared cord hemoglobin, birth weight, hemoglobin at 09 months & serum ferritin at 09 months in infants of anaemic and non anaemic mothers.  Subject of the study was all inborn term infants (n = 344).

Results: Cord blood hemoglobin was similar between infants born to anaemic and non anaemic mothers. However, infants born to anaemic mothers weighed less at birth and had lower hemoglobin at 9 months of age.

Conclusions: Infants born to anaemic mothers are at higher risk of developing anaemia in late infancy which may remain undetected at birth.


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How to Cite

Sadique, A., & Mallick, A. K. R. (2019). Role of maternal Anemia on cord hemoglobin and infant hemoglobin and ferritin level at nine months of age. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 6(5), 2193–2197.



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