Acute kidney injury in a critically ill influenza: a H1N1 infected child
Acute Renal failure in H1N1 infection, Complication of H1N1 infection, H1N1 in childrenAbstract
Influenza H1N1 infection is a globally recognized epidemic and is known for several extra-pulmonary complications. Here, for the first time we report a case of a six-year old male child with severe H1N1 infection with acute kidney injury. The child was referred to our center with fever, chills, cough and cold for 2 days. Investigations revealed H1N1 infection with deranged LFT and RFT with anuria. Child was subjected to mechanical ventilation and received higher antibiotics in addition to oseltamivir. The child underwent 13 cycles of hemodialysis and renal profile normalized after a period of 35 days. Our case highlights the importance of recognizing extra-pulmonary complications of H1N1 infection in the pediatric population and the preparation required by healthcare practitioners to reduce the associated mortality.
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