A study to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices of exclusive breast feeding among primi mothers of healthy term neonates in a tertiary care hospital and predictors of failure of establishment of exclusive breast feeding in first six months


  • Altaf Naseem Department of Paediatrics, Deccan College of Medical Sciences (DCMS), Hyderabad, Telangana
  • Naila Mazher Department of Paediatrics, Deccan College of Medical Sciences (DCMS), Hyderabad, Telangana




Exclusive breastfeeding, Infant mortality rate, Misconceptions


Background:In India about 2.4 million children die each year of which two thirds are associated with infant feeding practices which are in appropriate. Thirteen percent reduction in infant mortality rate has been estimated with breast feeding.

Methods: This study is a cross sectional questionnaire based study done in the setting of pediatric outpatient department at Owaisi hospital and research center Hyderabad. It was carried out over a duration of two years from 2013 to 2015.

Results:Majority of mothers received antenatal counselling regarding benefits and management of breast feeding.

Conclusions:Majority of the mothers had good knowledge; attitude and practices are still prevalent in the community which needs to be addressed. 


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How to Cite

Naseem, A., & Mazher, N. (2016). A study to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices of exclusive breast feeding among primi mothers of healthy term neonates in a tertiary care hospital and predictors of failure of establishment of exclusive breast feeding in first six months. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 3(3), 810–814. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20161589



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