Clinical presentations of congenital hypothyroidism in pediatric age group
Congenital hypothyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Mental retardationAbstract
Background: Hypothyroidism (HT) in pediatric age group is of prime importance because of it’s varied presentations. Missing a diagnosis of hypothyroidism is disastrous since it results in mental retardation (MR). Hence, it is mandatory to know the various types of clinical presentation in clinical practice.
Methods: Study includes 30 children who were diagnosed to have hypothyroidism. Detail history were taken thorough examination carried out and thyroid function tests were obtained in all the cases. Results were statistically analyzed in Microsoft office excel 2007.
Results: Majority of the children were diagnosed at the age of 1-3 month of age. Males and females were almost equally affected, 70% of the children had constipation, 26.7% of the cases presented with umbilical hernia, feeding difficulties were seen in 23.3%, abdominal distention and prolonged jaundice were seen in 20% of the cases. 10% of the cases presented with short stature and 6.6% children showed obesity.
Conclusions: Detailed history and examination of each infant will help in early diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism (CH). High index of clinical suspicion should be made when any of clinical features of hypothyroidism are present.
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