Early predictors of early onset neonatal hypocalcaemia in infants of diabetic mother


  • Bhavya S. O. Department of Paediatrics, SS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Davanagere, Karnataka, India
  • Rachel Ranitha Department of Paediatrics, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India




Apgar score, Gestational age, Hypocalcaemia, Infant of diabetic mother


Background: The objective of this study was the magnitude of hypocalcemia and to assess the predictors for early onset neonatal hypocalcemia in infants of diabetic mother.

Methods: Total 100 infants of diabetic mother were followed for development of hypocalcaemia. weight length, gestational age, Apgar score, cord calcium was correlated for serum calcium at 48 hours of life.

Results: In present study 91% babies were term and 9% babies were preterm, the incidence of hypocalcemia was high in preterm babies i.e.22% when compared to term babies i.e. 4.3% was not significant and incidence of hypocalcemia was high in babies with Apgar <7 at 1 min (27.27%) was significant statistically. The association of hypocalcemia with cord calcium is not significant statistically.

Conclusions: The incidence of hypocalcaemia is more among preterm babies and babies with risk factors, so these babies need close monitoring for hypocalcaemia. No need of regular monitoring of calcium for healthy term babies unless they are symptomatic.


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How to Cite

O., B. S., & Ranitha, R. (2019). Early predictors of early onset neonatal hypocalcaemia in infants of diabetic mother. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 6(3), 1325–1329. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20192037



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