A case report of mono-sensitization to peanut component Ara h6


  • Maria G. Bartellino Department of Pediatrics, Goryeb Children’s Hospital at Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, New Jersey, USA
  • Lisa Barisciano Department of Pediatrics, Goryeb Children’s Hospital at Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, New Jersey, USA




Arachis hypogaea, Component testing, Peanut allergy


Peanut is the most common food allergen in the US, affecting 1-2 % of the population and studies show that it is still on the rise.  Component testing has offered better insight into the likelihood of reactivity with exposure. Extensive literature shows Arachis hypogea (Ara h) 2 as being the most clinically significant component identified to correlate with reactivity with exposure to the peanut protein, however there is minimal research on the reactivity of Ara h6. This case report describes a patient with a clinical reaction to peanut as a toddler and subsequent positivity on annual skin testing with commercial peanut extract, likely confounded by positive birch with advancing age. Immuno CAP testing revealed a negative Ara h2 and positive Ara h6, describing mono-sensitization to Ara h 6 and high probability of clinical reactivity. The importance of this case is to raise awareness of other highly allergenic components in patients with peanut allergy.


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How to Cite

Bartellino, M. G., & Barisciano, L. (2019). A case report of mono-sensitization to peanut component Ara h6. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 6(3), 1391–1393. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-3291.ijcp20192051



Case Reports