Prevalence and determinants of nocturnal enuresis in school going children in Southern Maharashtra, India
Burning micrturition, Nocturnal enuresis, School going children, Sleep patternAbstract
Background: Nocturnal enuresis or bedwetting is a common health problem in children in the age group of 5 to 15 years. In India the prevalence of nocturnal enuresis ranges from approximately 7% to 12.6%. The prevalence from other parts of the world ranges from 6% to 42%. This study was planned to find the prevalence and determinants of nocturnal enuresis in school going children.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in four primary and secondary schools in Solapur. A predefined questionnaire, prepared in English and translated to local languages, Marathi and Kannada, was handed over to all the children attending the selected schools. Children were asked to hand over the questionnaire to their parents and return with the filled questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared to obtain the information related to the socio-demographic factors of the family and child, frequency of enuresis and information related the risk factors. Nocturnal enuresis was defined if the frequency of enuresis was more than twice per week.
Results: The overall prevalence of nocturnal enuresis was 11.4 %. The maximum prevalence was found in the age group of 8 -9 years (22.96 %). The prevalence of nocturnal enuresis in boys (14.34 %) was significantly more than the prevalence in girls (8.31 %). The study showed that nocturnal enuresis was significantly associated with stress, poor school performance, sleep pattern (hard to awaken), family history, burning micturition etc. But it was not associated with maternal or paternal education, birth order, type of family.
Conclusions: The prevalence of nocturnal enuresis is 11.40 % in school going children and it is associated with age, sex, stress, family history, burning micturition, hyperactive child, poor school performance, sleep pattern (hard to awake) avoidance of going to micturate before sleep etc.
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